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Travessa do Açouge a Benfica, Lisbon, Portugal


Multifamily residential




450 m2

Rehabilitation project of a residential complex developed in co-authorship with Márcio de Campos | Architecture + Interior Design. It is located in Travessa do Açougue, in the Benfica area of Lisbon, a quiet area with centenary working-class buildings of municipal interest.

The main objective of this project was to preserve the architectural and urban identity of the site, which required a careful reinterpretation of existing facades in a contemporary format. The newly proposed elements fit into the facade design with the same rhythm and architectural form, respecting the existing alignments. The design of the street front provided a visual continuity along the street, allowing the unification of the facade and, at the same time, the dialog between memory and contemporaneity.

We decided also to preserve the memory of the site by restoring the interior patio space, creating garden areas for the exclusive use of the ground floor units, allowing the regeneration of the environment surrounding the building, in terms of health, air quality, and thermal comfort. The project resulted in an increase from seven residential units to eleven studio units spread over two floors, with three private gardens. 

In order to emphasize the working-class character of the space, we decided to incorporate a gallery with direct access from the outside to some of the flats. This type of solution made it possible to fulfill the client’s requirements in terms of the number of units, while, at the same time, preserving almost entirely the original volume of the pre-existing houses.   

The interiors were kept clean and simple, ensuring for future users the expected comfort and functional articulation between the common areas and the private spaces.

As a result of this intervention, it was possible to create a unique building with 11 small-sized apartments, but with all the needed functionalities, responding to the promoter’s attempt to address the current housing crisis, while simultaneously creating a space that recreates the identity of its location

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